CreativeNet Indonesia

 Creating new relations among citizens and between citizens and decision makers as well as policy makers is an effort that has to be found to restore the position of the people as subjects. Through creative and innovative ways that citizen participation can be an alternative to spark initiatives of multi actors in advocating good governance.

CreativeNet which is piloted by the CCES in Jogja and Klaten region is expected to contribute to the discovery process and the creative product of the area that represents the character of towns and villages, with their own typical problems. CreativeNet is alternative space and creative networks being developed to stimulate creative forms of citizen engagement that can drive multi-actor initiative in advocating social change.

For this purpose, CreativeNet will support, promote and sustain the creative community at the local level who try to generate creative solutions to problems at the local level. As a creative network that is inclusive, practices and ideas that have also been developed by other communities can also be expected to be shared and used by communities in other places that may have a similar kind of problem. Or even a shared workspace with individual and the creative community to create and test the creative ideas that can be solutions for issues at the local level.

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Partners: Hivos SIDA-logo