The Urgency and roles of the Organization
Based on the context and arguments above, apparently it is necessary to take new measures for conducting the change with emphasis on the strengthening of the ability of civil societies to comprehend the process of democratic transformation that is more fundamental and substantial. It needs any organization that concentrates on constructing the pillars of civil societies and helping them strengthen their capacity to engage with media in influencing strategic policies and creating alternatives spaces that are more expressive in the process of democratic transition. It is expected that this organization is able to participate in encouraging the increasing of the quality of advocacy conducted by civil societies, media and other actors aiming to enforce the principles of good governance both from supply side (the State’s roles) and from demand side (the roles of civil societies and media)
The efforts of increasing the quality of advocacy are done through various researches on the needs of advocacy, both for the issues that have been stated previously and the issues that will be developed later as long as meeting with the conditions of civil rights enforcement and opening opportunity for people at every level to participate in decision making process from planning, budgeting to monitoring.
Besides through particular research of advocacy needs, the institution is also able to do evaluative researches and monitoring of the results of programs related to any advocacy aimed to make sure program implementation runs on the right track. In addition, the institution also provides capacity building for various actors from both supply side – including legislative – and demand side in order that they are able to strengthen their participation in planning and budgeting, conducting advocacy, implementing the results of advocacy and monitoring the recommendations of advocacy results.
Limited organization is also possible to do as an effort of developing alternative spaces that can strengthen the process of democratic transition as well as increasing the quality of governance at all level of decision making.
This institution will also encourage the strengthening of civil society organizations and grassroots groups through assistance and advocacy orientated on opening spaces of expression and dialog with all relevant parties.
The engagement quality improvement is expected to have an impact on the quality of the change itself. Thus, in turn, the process of democratic transition that has lasted this long in Indonesia will be able to obtain positive results and maturity of each actor will be built with a variety of alternative spaces that were agreed as part of the dialogue and space of new or renewed negotiations.
There are three main objectives declared by the CCES organization as a measure that can be measured in real terms to see the quality of the changes, i.e:
- Increasing the State’s responsibility to the public as it has been declared in the constitution.
- Increasing influence of civil society in the decision-making process and its implementations
- Increasing the quality of the social responsibility of the capital owners